Set Up Vue.js Environment & Create Vue Instance in 2 Simple Ways

Mohini Mishra
3 min readNov 19, 2020

Today’s article will be all about connecting Vue.js in your project.As we know Vue.js is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. As well as Vue.js is easy to integrate to our projects. And here is a simple 2 ways to setup the Vue.js Environment and Create Vue Instance.


  1. We can connect Vue.js to our project with CDN link-

To connect Vue.js , you have to use the given CDN link in your HTML file in head section.

  • For learning purposes, you can use the latest version with:
<script src=""></script>
  • For production purpose and avoid any breakage simply link to specific version and remove /dist/vue.js :
<script src=”"></script>


  1. Create Vue Instance in app.js file. Before Creating Vue Instance we first need to know What is Vue Instance ?
  • To start or set Vue Application we first need to create Vue-instance-

What is Vue Instance ?

Vue Instance is a heart of the application. It plugs in to an element in DOM. Its an Object that Vue js Provide us with -

var app = new Vue();
  • This Vue Instance Control the HTML Application weather its a certain part of application or whole application.
  • Vue Object will take object as Parameter.
var app = new Vue({});
  • ele. Property - In this Vue Instance Object we will add ele property, ele property is reserved keyword in Vue which take a string, which tells to Vue which part of HTML is going to controled by Vue Instance.
var app = new Vue({ele : "root"  // where root is the id of your html page which you want to control by Vue Instance.
  • data Property - This data property is also a reserved keyword which takes an object, where we store all data for Vue Instanse.This will take key-pair values.
var app = new Vue({
data : {
name : "ABC"

Creating Vue Instance

  • After creating Vue Instance now add this app.js file to html file using script tag and add this name to HTML file.

Use name property into HTML file

  • To add name property we use {{}} template string, when we write this template string.
  • now run this html file to your browser and you will see name.



Mohini Mishra

I am a learner, learning programming languages, love coding, and keen towards the full stack development field.